MOL 2017 Accepted Papers

Stepan Kuznetsov, Glyn Morrill and Oriol Valentín. Count-Invariance Including Exponentials
Nissim Francez. A proof-theoretic semantics for transitive verbs with an implicit object
Adam Jardine. On the Logical Complexity of Autosegmental Representations
Stepan Kuznetsov and Alexander Okhotin. Conjunctive categorial grammars
Junri Shimada. BE Is Not the Unique Homomorphism That Makes the Partee Triangle Commute
Armin Hoenen, Steffen Eger and Ralf Gehrke. Combinatorial Evidence on the Incidences of Root Bifurcations in Arbres Reels and Stemmata
Rohit Parikh. Why we speak
Sorcha Gilroy, Adam Lopez, Sebastian Maneth and Pijus Simonaitis. (Re)introducing Regular Graph Languages
Thomas Icard, Lawrence Moss and William Tune. A Monotonicity Calculus and its Completeness
James Rogers and Dakotah Lambert. Extracting Forbidden Factors from Regular Stringsets
Thomas Graf. Graph Transductions and Typological Gaps in Morphological Paradigms